Vendor Rules for the Palisade International Honeybee Festival
- Applications will be available at http://palisadehoneybeefest.org and can be submitted online or by mail to Palisade International Honeybee Festival Committee (PIHF), P.O. Box 1105, Palisade, CO 81526 no later than March 15, 2025. Vendors must be approved and will be notified by email. Payment is $130 for registration plus $10 for a Town of Palisade business license for a total of $120 unless the vendor has purchased an annual business license from the Town of Palisade for 2025. The business license number must be identified in the application.
- The festival starts on Saturday, April 12th, at 10 a.m. Setup will run from 8 to 9:45 a.m. DO NOT set up before 8 a.m. The Town will close down the roads for safety.
- If non-festival vehicles are in vendor spaces, please inform Michelle Gossage or Chris Christiansen who will be on site for assistance.
- Vendors must have a 10- by 10-foot tent for each single booth space and provide their own tables, chairs, and setup equipment.
- Limited electricity is available at the Festival and will be accommodated as possible. All electric cords must be secured to the ground with duct tape to prevent tripping hazards.
- During setup for the festival, please unload your tent and merchandise, park, and then set up your booth space to give others the opportunity to unload their merchandise as well.
- Please DO NOT park in the 13 Brix parking lot (you can unload but then relocate your car). Also, DO NOT park in the spaces in front of the grocery store (they are marked), across from the post office (the VA bus will probably be there), in the spaces on Third Street east of Main St. (other vendors will be here), or anywhere you can see yellow duct tape on the sidewalks. You CAN park in the large town parking lot north of 2rd Street between Kluge and 2nd St., in the grocery store parking lot spaces that are not in front of the store, and on the streets that aren’t otherwise indicated.
- This is a rain or shine event. No refunds are given for inclement weather.
- The Committee must receive applications by March 15, 2025. Absolutely no refunds will be given after April 5, 2025, and requests for refunds must be in writing.
- The PIHC is not responsible for theft or damages to property belonging to vendors or volunteers participating in this event.
- Food vendors must be approved for festival participation by the City of Grand Junction Parks and Recreation Department. This Department streamlines the process of approval through the County Health Department and ensures proper insurance and other requirements are met before approving vendors. For more information, go to gjpr.org/vendorinfo or contact Jennifer Howard at (970) 254-3866, [email protected].
- Wine vendors must obtain a remote liquor license through the Colorado Department of Revenue and provide copies of that license to the PIHC.
- The Festival ends at 4 p.m. Vendors must stay until the end of the festival even if their merchandise has sold out. Also, sales or services must end within 30 minutes of closing so Festival volunteers can finish their duties.
- During teardown of booth spaces, vendors should pack up their merchandise and tear down their tents before getting their vehicles and loading up to ensure all vendors can leave expeditiously.
If you have questions or problems, call Michelle Gossage at (970) 433-0647.
Thank you for your support at our wonderful event!!